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woman with his service dog


Camryn and Violet

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Camryn’s parents read an article about CPL’s home companion dog program and it struck a chord with them. Their daughter loved animals, dogs in particular — and they were looking for an answer to help their daughter who needed a good friend and some help interacting socially with the kids and friends in their neighborhood. While Camryn likes to be outdoors she often had difficulty staying motivated to keep playing — perhaps a dog would help. In addition, a dog might be able to help with her therapies by encouraging her to stay involved, to climb stairs, play ball — and keep moving. Violet was the answer. This busy little, ball playing dog is keeping the two of them moving, and each evening when they get their time to climb into bed together and snuggle, her folks know that this was a good choice! Cami has gotten very good at giving commands to Violet but more importantly giving treats. Violet has definitely become thespecial friend that everyone hoped she would be for Cami.