Hello to our CPL family,
Our sincere thoughts are with those who have had family members or friends impacted by the coronavirus. We would also like to say “THANK YOU” to our first responders and medical personnel, who are working long hours and making personal sacrifices while caring for our loved ones.
The CPL kennel reopened on Friday, May 15, 2020. The dogs in their second year of training, who have spent a couple months with volunteers, moved back into the kennel and are continuing with their service dog training. At this time, CPL’s office staff continue to work remotely. We will continue to evaluate the current return date of June 4, 2020 and will follow Governor Wolf’s recommendations. Our first priority is to keep our CPL family safe and healthy as we move forward placing service and companion dogs.
Although Team Training will look very different from prior to the COVID pandemic, we will be placing dogs with recipients in July. The process for Team Training includes virtual group lectures and introductions to CPL staff. Skills training and field trips will be on campus, with only essential personnel present.
We appreciate your support and assistance during this time. We miss you all!
Janie Cramer
Executive Director