GivingTuesday – Dec. 3, 2024
December 3, 2024 All day

Service Dog in Training Biscuit Challenge!
CPL dogs are getting in on the GivingTuesday action again this year! Each time we reach a $5,000 milestone throughout the day a pup from the kennel, Prison Puppy Raising Program, and Lafayette College will get a special (healthy) treat in celebration. Help these dogs receive their special treat by donating and encouraging your friends and family too! Cheer them on by following our progress on Facebook and Instagram stories throughout the day!
- New this year! Join in on the fun with our first-ever virtual bingo challenge! Access your card (click button below) on November 25 and fill 5 squares in a row, or more, by 11:59pm on December 3 to win an opportunity to name a future CPL puppy!
- Donate or raise $150 or more on 12/3 on the GivingTuesday campaign site and be entered to win a Concord Pet dog gift basket. Winner will be randomly selected and notified via email.
- Donate $50 or more between Noon and 1pm and be entered to win a $100 Chewy gift card. Winner will be randomly selected and notified via email.
- Win an exclusive visit to see our newest service puppies in training! This opportunity will go to one lucky GivingTuesday donor when you give $500 or more on the GivingTuesday campaign site. Winner will be randomly selected and notified via email.
- Morning Rush Hour Match – Give between 6am and 9am and your gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to $5,000.
- West Power Hour Challenge – When we receive 10 gifts during the lunch hour (starting at Noon) partner West Pharmaceutical Services will donate $5,000.
- Halfway Help – Help us hit the halfway point to unlock a donor challenge! Once we raise $42,500, anonymous donors will give $3,250!
- Afternoon Rush Hour Match – Give between 4pm and 6pm and your gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to $5,000.
- Primetime Challenge – When we receive 10 gifts between 7pm and 8pm, on GivingTuesday, an anonymous donor will contribute $2,000!
- Homestretch Match – Help us reach $75,000 to unlock a $10,000 gift to meet our goal of $85,000!
Increase your Impact!
- It feels good to give back — especially during the holidays! When you start a virtual fundraiser, you not only support future service and companion dog partnerships, you make it easy for your community to make an impact too! Simply go to https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/cplgt24, press the “start fundraising” button, and follow the steps to link up with CPL’s GivingTuesday campaign. Personalizing your page is easy! Contact Kirstin Downie, kdownie@k94life.org, or (610) 869-4902 x214 for assistance or questions.
- Don’t forget to submit a matching gift through your workplace to make your gift go further! Talk with your human resources department to learn more about your employer’s matching gift program. Interested in making a corporate or individual challenge or match gift? Contact Diane Blenke at dblenke@k94life.org or 610-869-4902 ext. 222.
GivingTuesday questions? Contact Kirstin Downie, (610) 869-4902 x214, kdownie@k94life.org.
Giving Tuesday BINGO
Looking for a way to get more involved in CPL’s GivingTuesday campaign this year? From now until Tuesday, December 3rd, participate in our GivingTuesday BINGO! Help us spread the word about CPL’s mission and reach our goal of $85,000 for a chance to win the opportunity to name a CPL puppy! Complete one line of BINGO and win 1 chance in the puppy-naming drawing. Complete the entire board and win 2 chances! Access your BINGO board using the button below!
Proof of action must be sent to tkulp@k94life.org by 11:59pm on 12/3 in order to be entered into the drawing.