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woman with his service dog


Welcome to Share Our Stories

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Read. Click. Share. Repeat. 

CPL is kicking-off a story sharing campaign, and we would love your help! We have collected personal stories, written by our graduates, volunteers and supporters. And we want to share them with you.   These are uplifting stories about the road to independence, the spirit of volunteerism, and stories about hopes realized and dreams achieved through the partnership with a CPL service dog.

We are sharing  stories of perseverance, strength, friendship and unconditional love.   During the coming holiday season, from #GivingTuesday to year’s end, we will share these unique CPL stories with you, and ask that you, in turn, Share Our Stories.  Every Tuesday, look for a new CPL story in your inbox, or posted on CPL’s Facebook page, Twitter feed, and on CPL’s website

Share each story the way that you like to share; via email or social media, around the water cooler or your holiday table. Share with a friend, a family member, a class, an organization, your book club; anyone you think would like to learn about the love and dedication of a service or home companion dog.   Help us reach out to new friends, supporters, volunteers, donors and prospective recipients. Help us to further Canine Partners for Life’s message and mission.

Many thanks for lending your support to CPL’s Share Our Stories Campaign.

 Read. Click. Share. Repeat.