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woman with his service dog


Heather and Nala

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Heather’s medical condition forced her to make the difficult decision to leave her job as a dental hygienist. Then she began to stay home during family vacations because she found it difficult to deal with her disability while traveling. She realized it was time to get some help. Now, Team Training isn’t easy. It is a tough and essential three weeks that serves to cement the bond between partners and indelibly set the groundwork for the future relationship. Heather came to class smiling each day – she supported her classmates, was dedicated to her dog and gave us 100%. In return, Nala is ready to change Heather’s life. There will be church choir, hand bells, field trips, a cruise in June (Nala’s special dog bag is already packed) and yard work – tons and tons of yard work– the thing that Heather has missed most. Nala’s steady support, retrieval, and skills to reduce fatigue are already making a dramatic difference in Heather’s life.