Noelia and Tilly
Noelia came to team training looking a bit nervous, but what started out as tentative and cautious soon blossomed into confident and happy. During the first few days when Tilly would alert to Noelia’s seizures she would say something like “but I feel fine” – and try to ignore the alert. Pretty quickly she realized that her dog was right on the money and wasn’t about to let her ignore the upcoming seizure. Within days Noelia was listening to her dog’s alerts like a pro and they quickly began tackling their other service skills. Noelia is quick to praise and motivates her dog to continue trying. If ever she would get frustrated she would burst into super rapid Spanish. At Tilly’s confused look she’d breathe deep and return to the known commands in a calm and patient voice. Noelia says she’s happier now than she ever has been in her life – her husband says he is thrilled to see this change – she’s even set a new goal to work full time again.